Climate is still being denied?


climate changeI was going to do a post on the claim of Dan Bloom that a NY Times article using the term “Cli-Fi” that he coined a few years ago means that the word is now officially mainstream—Dan likes to invent words that he hopes will become widely-used.  Years ago, he tried to promote the word “screening,” the act of reading on a computer or reader screen, as being sufficiently different than reading to be its own thing.  Didn’t work.  I suppose cli-fi (fiction stories about climate) could catch on.  But really… whatever.  /comment

Instead, I’d much rather mention an IO9 post that explains their manifesto, and expounds on the idea that science is political.  One comments thread claimed that science is about truth, and politics is about deception; to which I argued, politics is about choice, but suffers from politicians that influence choice with deception.

Then someone decided that politicians were protecting us from deceptive scientists, namely, the ones who support and warn everyone about global warming.

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